Premium Intraocular Lenses

When undergoing cataract surgery, Dr. Bley will remove the clouded natural lens of the eye and replace it with an intraocular lens, or IOL. Standard lenses allow the patient to have good vision at one distance, usually intermediate. Premium intraocular lenses can allow patients to enjoy a range of good vision and can even reduce and possibly eliminate dependence on glasses following cataract surgery. The following are descriptions of the different types of premium intraocular lenses available. If you are considering premium intraocular lenses, Dr. Bley can help you decide which lens is best suited to your individual needs and expectations.

Types Of Premium Intraocular Lenses TORIC LENS

The toric lens is designed to eliminate or reduce corneal astigmatism and significantly improve uncorrected distance vision independent of glasses or contact lenses. A patient who has both a cataract and astigmatism will not regain high quality distance vision after cataract surgery unless the Astigmatism is also corrected.


The Restor Lens is an advanced type of multifocal lens that allows the patient to see near, intermediate and distance most ofthen without glasses. The fact that more that 25 million Restor lenses have been implanted worldwide 94% patients who have had the Restor Lens said they would have the Restor Lens Implanted again if they were to do it over again.


Crysta Lens is also called the accomodating lens, because it works in concert with the eyes natural muscles. The Crystal lens uses the ciliary muscle to move the lens and allow the patient to focus near, intermediate and distance. This movement is enabled by a flexible hinge within the lens.

Crystalens™ is a new cataract replacement lens (IOL) that works naturally with focusing muscle in the eye to retain the eye’s ability to “accommodate” – shift it’s focus between nearby and distant objects – after cataract surgery.

With other IOLs, patients lose this ability and require corrective measures such as glasses or contact lenses. Unlike rigid lenses, the flexible silicone Crystalens™ features hinges that allow it to move or flex with the eye’s focusing muscle and accommodate seamlessly, thereby reducing or eliminating the need for vision correction.

The Crystalens™ is implanted using the same, small incision, no-stitch cataract surgery techniques as with other IOLs. The patient should expect an adaptation period after surgery during which the patient “learns” to use the new implant.

Patients who are far-sighted, or who have bilateral cataracts or who have had corneal refractive surgery and retained good eye health are acceptable candidates for Crystalens™ implantation. Even some patients who have already had cataract surgery in one eye can have a Crystalens™ implant in their other eye People with eye health problems such as chronic infections or diabetes should check with their doctors about eligibility.

Cataracts are usually associated with aging. As one gets older, the lens of the eye becomes discolored making it difficult to see. The only way to restore vision is to remove the cataract. Dr. Bley uses the most advanced and medically approved methods to remove cataracts and has performed over 18,000 cataract surgeries . His no stitch topical anesthetic method of cataract removal will have you in the recovery room in 15 minutes. Other less common types of cataracts are congenital (born with them) and traumatic (caused by injury)